Monday 4 December 2017

Only when we have destroyed everything, we will realise the beauty we had.

I like people, people as individuals are beautiful, strong and usually lovely and kind, people are great. But as a species, I feel like we are a  poison that is leeching through the entirety of the earth and slowly suffocating it.

Derwent water - Lake district.
I have noticed in the past couple of years a massive increase of wind turbines. Many moorland and upland areas that I used to visit, that were once desolate and beautiful are now littered with wind turbines. I don't have anything against wind turbines themselves, but it is the vastness of our destruction that gets to me, its the fact that the oceans are full of plastic, that rain forests are being cut down and that species are going extinct daily just because of human greed. We are losing our wilderness, places that belonged to nature, us humans are destroying. Why? Because of our need to sit in front of electric screens? To always be entertained by electronic images, we must have all of the things all of the time, with little thought to what this lifestyle is taking from the planet.

And yes I am writing this in front of a electric screen, on my plastic laptop, wearing plastic clothes. I am absolutely part of the problem too.

Is it possible for us to stop this destruction, or are we past the point of no return? Some believe so, however I like to think that if we change our ways, humans could actually be good for the planet.

Imagine if 7 billion people contributed positively to the planet, if our species was actually a benefit? It would be pretty good I reckon. And I like to think its possible.

Holy isle. Possibly soon to be home for wind turbines. 
We can all do little things to help, if you have a light on in room you are not in, turn it off! What about spending one night a week reading a book by candlelight?

I found this page from the University of Cambridge, and thought it was interesting to see the cost of wasteful electric use.

I hope you 'enjoyed' reading this post, if I am honest it did start as a rant, and then i forgot the point I was getting too, so it ended up as it is. Next post I will write the point first and rant second. All the same I hope you like it. :)

Don't forget to follow me on the socials, then you can keep up with my ramblings and whatnot.

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